the dance of healing
the dance of healing
Massage is the application of physical manipulation to relieve pain, induce a relaxed state, and promote a healthy lifestyle. Massage may well be the oldest form of medicine and is incorporated in healing systems worldwide. Humanity may well be programmed to rub where it hurts until the pain goes away. Massage therapy is the artful science of touch to heal the body, mind, and spirit in a safe, professional, and compassionate way.
There are countless traditions and styles of massage. In the US we are most familiar with Swedish massage, which incorporates strokes for relaxation and pain relief with range of motion gymnastics in which the therapist moves the passive client. Typically Swedish massage is employed to induce relaxation and promote circulation and boost immunity.
Deep tissue massage more specifically works muscles in a targeted manner for rehabilitation, increased range of motion, and athletic performance enhancement.
Massage therapy has numerous benefits to the body:
Massage disrupts existing feedback loops in the nervous system to establish balance in the body
Massage resets the ratio of stress related hormones to relaxation related hormones to create equilibrium
Massage releases endorphins inducing a state of euphoria and reduced pain
Massage relaxes muscles through mechanical manipulation
Massage reduces pressure on nerves to reduce pain and restriction
Massage increases circulation of the blood and lymph thereby boosting immune function
Massage reduces stress reactions
What should you expect?
Arrive for your massage five minutes early to fill out a simple intake form and use the restroom. You then meet your licensed massage therapist who will discuss your expectations and special needs for the healing session. Communicate how much pressure you prefer and what areas, such as the shoulders or lower back, hold the most stress. Your session is tailored to your physical and emotional needs.
You are led into our atmospheric rooms where soft music and the sound of waterfalls and fountains welcome you. After orienting you to the space you are left to undress in private while the therapist prepares the proper oils and tools for your session. It is acceptable to remove all clothing including undergarments, based on your comfort level, for therapeutic massage. You will be draped by sheets during the entire session, securing the safety of both you and your therapist. Sheets are not negotiable. Please turn off your cell phone and allow yourself the space to relax and heal.
Your therapist then begins the massage. Often clients fall into a deeply restful space, rather like the ‘twilight’ state between waking and sleeping. It is during this time that endorphins are released and the many benefits of massage take place. If ever anything feels uncomfortable please alert your therapist so the proper adjustments can be made. Everyone has a different threshold for comfort and our goal is to ensure yours.
Following your massage you will be offered water and a quiet space to redress and self-stretch before reviewing post-massage discussion with your therapist.
subtle energy
According to a number of traditions the body is made up of more layers than most people can see with the naked eye. The physical body is surrounded by an etheric body, and additional emotional, mental, and astral levels that form a space around each living thing. Energy medicine, such as Reiki, Healing Touch, and countless other modalities, work with the subtle layers of energy to promote wholeness and deep level healing.
Many suggest that energy medicine is the most profound and effective mode of healing because it works on the causes of discomfort and illness, which reside in the emotions and mental patterning, rather than merely on the symptoms or outward manifestation of disease. By working with the subtle energy in addition to the supportive care provided by symptomatic treatment, true healing occurs.
What happens in a session?
During a subtle energy session the client remains fully clothed and rests on the table. The healer employs a variety of techniques based on her preferred modalities including laying their hands on certain energetic points known as chakras and on the joints of the body, clearing and raking the energy field, and sensing for blocks or an overabundance of energy. The goal is to balance the client’s energy field so there is a free flow of vital life force throughout every level of the subtle and physical body.
How does it feel?
It feels different for everyone! But most often clients describe feeling profound peace along with waves of pulsing, hot/cold, and movement within the body. Often it’s described in similar ways to the sensations associated with acupuncture.
How long does a session last?
Typically a session is a full hour and will include discussion of what the healer noted along with tips on how to keep vital energy free-flowing.
raw moonstones
Learn it for yourself!
Sphere offers private Reiki teaching with attunement to those who wish to explore this fascinating and beautiful energy for themselves and their loved ones. Reiki is a system of healing developed by Dr. Mikao Usui in Japan that employs simple hand positions, a gentle philosophy, and a series of attunements that serve to make Reiki healers conduits for transferring Ki (life force) from one to another for the purpose of healing the self, others, and the Earth.
Reiki 1 is a two hour course that offers the history, philosophy, hand positions, and practical applications. $100
Reiki 2 is a two hour course that explores symbols, distance healing, and mental/emotional patterning. $200
Reiki 3 is a two hour course that requires a deepened commitment and expands the scope of exploration. $300
Jasmine flower
In this unique modality we work with tensions (physical, mental, emotional) and "unwind" them back with the goal of integrating them into the whole. This gentle process includes energy work, hands on, and "coaching" style sessions based on the client's needs. The end goal is the release of outmoded defense mechanisms for a happier, healthier life.
The body is meant to move! We will customize a fitness system to meet your specific goals, whether physical, emotional, or all of the above. Retrain body and mind for better freedom of movement. NASM trained.
homeopathic remedies
Classical Homeopathy is a philosophy of wellness that supports your vital force to promote health, happiness, and creative expression. During the initial consultation the practitioner learns all about YOU - body, mind, and emotions.
She then recommends a specific homeopathic remedy that best matches your unique characteristics. From there you work together to eliminate obstacles to health, promote wellness, and empower your life. Initial consultation and two follow ups is $250.
Lavender Flowers
Aromatherapy is the subtle blending of essential oils for nearly every imaginable effect from headache relief to euphoria. Each essential oil is chosen, like a word in a poem, for the power of its own essence as well as its effect within the whole. Allow us to blend you a poem of rich aromatic joy.
Essential oils have almost immediate effect on the body. When applied topically, as in an aromatherapy massage, they enter the bloodstream through the skin and are measurable within 5 minutes, most potent after 20 minutes, and still show trace amounts 90 minutes after application. Additionally they set off chemical reactions that continue their healing effects for hours and even days.
Essential oils, unlike synthetic pharmaceuticals, are carbon-based (like us) and because of their chemical structure move quickly and effectively throughout the human body. Rose oil has at least 500 (maybe closer to 1000) different chemical constituents that make it versatile as well as powerful.
There are two primary methods of application we use at Sphere. The first is topical application on the skin through massage oils. The proper essential oils are selected to meet the client’s needs. Specific oils, such as peppermint, provide analgesic effects while others, such as ginger, promote blood-flow while others still, such as German chamomile, are strongly anti-inflammatory. This is an extremely effective method of application that is enhanced by the benefits of massage therapy.
The second method of application is inhalation. By simply breathing in the aroma molecules from the essential oils the limbic brain, which is associated with long-term memory, emotions, primal responses such as sexuality and fight/flight, is stimulated by-passing the ‘thinking brain’ to set off immediate chemical responses specific to the oil chosen. For example ylang-ylang reduces cortisol levels in the blood while peppermint is stimulating and rosemary promotes memory response.
Aromatherapy should be customized to the client’s personal needs, whether migraine headaches or out of control stress levels. By exploring specific needs and lifestyle choices the aromatherapist can develop a suitable intervention using these beautiful and pleasing plant medicines.